Monday, February 7, 2011

Steve Taylor -- a classic

For those of you who have never heard of Steve Taylor, please give a listen to this video.  I was a huge groupie of his and his co-horts back in the 80's (his sis and I were also roomies) and I wish he would tour again...  He has some very thought provoking songs, and is worth a listen.  He has recently written and produced a lot of music, including the song "He Reigns" performed by the News Boys.

Get this GADGET

T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.
Chord Piano Is Fun


T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.