Monday, February 21, 2011

Sheesh! What's WRONG with my Brain??!!!

I've always been a Clodhopper.  Clodhop here, clodhop there.  At least, that's what I was called by my sister.  She even gave me the pet name "Sasquatch".  Being from the Pacific Northwest, we knew what that was before we even knew what the boogie man was.  I called her "Hamburger Head", so I guess we were even.  MORE..

Go to Chicky Ponderings to

Get this GADGET

T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.
Chord Piano Is Fun


Angela said...

Thanks for following Mommy Time Out

T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.