Saturday, January 29, 2011

Work in Progress!

I'm glad you came to my blog. I hope you are. I realize that some of my links are not completed yet, but they will be soon. My Boyfriend says that I am obsessed and I need to get off the computer. O.K.

But before I do, please take a look at all of my pages. I will keep those that people "like" the most or that have the most hits. I will remove those that people don't find too interesting. Well, maybe I won't because I find them interesting. We'll see.

I HAVE added a new page called "Chick's Tips." This will be things that I've found in life that WORK and things that DON'T WORK. This could be in regard to stuff around the house, etc., or in relationships. I think this will be a fun one.

So, again, ENJOY and God bless!

Get this GADGET

T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.
Chord Piano Is Fun


T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.